Athlete / Boat :
Antoine Rucard - Robin Folin
Event :
Training & selection for America's Cup Youth
Location :
Brest Bay
About the shot :
The young people were in full selection on GC32 to integrate the final team in view of the Youth América's Cup 2017 on AC45 Turbo - This image was made during an unorganized photo release, alone aboard my boat, I place in front of the flying boat, they fly at 25 knots in a stabilized way, it is very impressive in the sight of the 600mm freehand. The human chain of the jibe is set up, and the shoot is triggered! This photo was exhibited in 1m50 wide aboard the Queen Mary 2 for the transatlantic of the "The Bridge" in June 2017
Camera :
Nikon D5, 600mm, 100, f5.6 , 1/640 without tripod