UGUR Osman

Athlete / Boat :
Global Actus - Cheese IV
Event :
East Aegean Sailing Week
Location :
Izmir -Sığacik Bay
About the shot :
After the Sea Army Cup, we are in Siğacik Bay waiting for the East Aegean Sailing Week to start. The first day of the race at the IRC 1 start line , the Global Actus -Cheese IV team has come across with such a dangerous position. Sailors who were positioned in the boat, were hung on the right side of the board. After continuing to sail like this, when they where about to fall into the sea, they were rescued by their team mates.
Camera :
Canon 7 d Mark ıı , Canon 70-200 mm f 2.8 IS II, 200, f5.6 , 1/1600